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Н​о​в​ъ​г​о​р​о​д​ъ (Novgorod)

by Сѣта / Sieta

supported by
Arrogant Bastard
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Arrogant Bastard I'm sorry what? Black metal can't be fun and brutal at the same time?!
Sieta have infused their brand of blackened metal with esoteric Slavic flutes and strings; never a distraction or a detraction, the folky elements serve only to augment the album, infusing a hint of levity and culture. Favorite track: Нашь дѹхъ (Our Spirit).
TheEliteExtremophile thumbnail
TheEliteExtremophile The music on this album is dense and lush, and folk melodies are integrated seamlessly throughout. Acoustic instruments are included in ways which feel natural and unobtrusive, and the lengthy songs move back and forth between movements and recurring themes effortlessly.

Full review here:
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    Purchasable with gift card

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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Comes with a 16-page booklet. Limited to 500 copies.
    Earth And Sky Productions, Root 009

    Includes unlimited streaming of Новъгородъ (Novgorod) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €10 EUR or more 


Межь полѣнъ да лѣсьнꙑхъ стьꙁь Покровьнъ отъ свѣта Роꙁкриле сѧ чѹдьнъ городъ Чьсо краше нѣтѹ Иꙁъ квѣтъкъ плетенъ Лѣпъи порожьнъи вѣньць Ꙁноинꙑхъ кѹꙁницахъ каленъи Мечь колоденьць Истовъи животъ На ꙁорѣ словѣньскꙑхъ богъ Чьто таить столѣтиихъ Твои съкаꙁочьнъи покровъ Наши праотьци Намъ оставишѧ ꙁавѣтъ Да дьржати сѧ ꙁа волѭ Дахомъ мꙑ обѣтъ Новъгородъ – сьрдьце полѹночьнꙑхъ лѣсъ Новъгородъ – дивьно мѣсто моихъ греꙁъ Новъгородъ – несквьрньнаꙗ ꙁемлꙗ Новъгородъ – люба отьчина моꙗ Межь полѣнъ дѫбровъ да рѣкъ Живи въвѣкъ Нъ проникъшѧ въ Новъгородъ Морокъ ꙁъло и грѣхъ Да сълетѣли сѧ ꙁдѣ навьи На лихꙑхъ вѣтрѣхъ Переимашѧ нашѣ ꙁемлѣ Чѹжиѥ кънѧꙁи Да ѥсть отѧжьчало иго Проклѧтꙑ рѹси Нъ не състѫпимъ мꙑ клѧтвꙑ Нашихъ праотьць Да одиноичь сѧ людъмь Мꙑ свободьнꙑмь станемъ наконьць Акꙑ камꙑ стоиши тꙑ на ꙁемли Акꙑ ѹньць ꙗръ да гърдои акꙑ олень Твоѭ родьнѫ свѣтьлость не помъкнеть Ни одина дѹша [Old Russian] Among the glades and forest trails Hidden from the world A marvelous city is spread, The most beautiful of all Wreathed of flowers A lovely festival crown In torrid forges hardened A magic sword The true life At the sunset of Slavic gods That is concealed in centuries By your fairy veil Our forefathers Left us a behest And to stand for freedom We took a vow Novgorod — heart of the northern woods Novgorod — wondrous city of my dreams Novgorod — the undefiled land Novgorod — my beloved homeland Among glades, oakwoods and rivers Live forever But broke into Novgorod Gloom, evil and sin And navs have flocked On the unkind winds Took over our lands Alien knyazs And strengthened has the yoke Of the cursed Rus But we won't break the oath Of our forefathers And one day a folk That is free we'll become at last Like a stone you stand on the ground Like a bull you are ardent and proud like a deer Your native grace can't be subdued By any soul
Аꙁъ ѥсмь кънѧꙁь Аꙁъ ѥсмь боль Иꙁѹвѣдаи жасъ Припади прѣдъ мъноѭ Приспѣлъ коньць ѥстъ вашимъ баснꙗмъ Малите сѧ падите ниць Вашь новꙑи богъ ѥстъ пришелъ Вашь новꙑи богъ ѥстъ пришелъ навѣки Мракъ вамъ постанетъ храмомь Съмрьть вамъ постанетъ мечтоѭ Скръбь болѣ васъ не ѡставитъ Адъ вамъ постанетъ сѫдьбоѭ Аꙁъ ѿнимѫ вашѫ жиꙁнь Аꙁъ ꙁаберѫ ваше вольство Аꙁъ погрѫжѫ васъ въ кѫпель Прѣиꙁпльненѫ вашеѭ кръвїѭ Да сътворитъ сѧ тьмьнꙑи ѡбрѧдъ Въжделѣньнаꙗ строка Кїѥвьскꙑи людъ мѧтежнꙑи рабъ Да поглътитъ тѧ вѣчьна тьма Вѣчьна тьма Ваша дѹша се ѥстъ моꙗ Станите же мои воиска Немощь и страхъ Горе вѧꙁа и боль Ꙃълоба ѹжасъ и скръбь Ꙃълоимѫщество пагѹба Рабьство и мракъ Моръ ненадьство и мьгла Ꙃъло нелюбїѥ адъ Прѣиꙁподьнꙗꙗ аꙁъ ѥсмь съмрьть Съидите съ мноѭ въ цѣсарьство ꙃъла Сквоꙁѣ пѫчинѫ боꙗꙁни Ижде вольство иꙁдꙑхаѥтъ да надѣи липсаѥтъ слѣдъ Ижде слъньце съсѣдаѥтъ да нощь настаѥтъ навѣкъ Никъто не ѿмлъвитъ се вашимъ мольбамъ Аꙁъ ѥсмь съвьргнѫлъ вашихъ пѹстошьнъ божествъ Се аꙁъ ѥсмь богъ се аꙁъ ѥсмь цьсарь Хвалите имѧ моѥ аль иꙁкѹсите мои правьдьнꙑи гнѣвъ [Old Church Slavonic] I am the knyaz I am the pain Feel the horror Fall before me The end has come for your fables Bow down, fall prone Your new god has come Your new god has come forever Gloom will become your temple Death will become your dream Woe won't leave you anymore Hell will become your destiny I will take away your life I will withdraw your freedom I will plunge you into a font Replete with your blood May the dark rite be made The desired moment People of Kiev, a rebellious slave Let eternal darkness swallow you Eternal darkness Your soul is now mine Rise up now, my forces! Weakness and fear, Grief, torture and pain, Malice, horror and woe, Misfortune, perdition, Slavery and gloom, Plague, despair and fog, Evil, hatred, hell, Underworld, I am death Descend with me into the kingdom of evil Through the gulf of dread Where freedom dies and the hopes’ trace vanishes Where the sun goes down and the night comes forever No one will answer your prayers now I have deposed your puny deities Now I am the god, now I am the king Praise my name or taste my righteous anger
Ѥсть пришла иꙁъ Киѥва страшьна намъ повѣдь Нашѫ вѣрѫ ѥсть иꙁдѹмалъ сквьрнъи кънѧꙁь притрѣти Волить онъ словѣнъ робꙑ сътворити Волить положити краи свободьнѣ годинѣ То трепечеть мать сꙑраꙗ ꙁемлꙗ Съгръжаѥть сѧ то тѫчеѭ небо сьрдито Не тѫжи моꙗ родительница Не примѫ ꙗꙁъ небо овѫ часть чемеритѫѭ Не ѹпадеть нашь дѹхъ Дажьбоже ꙁари намъ пѫть Съ нами Стрибогъ ѥсть лихъи Да Сварожичь дрѹгъ Не ѹпадеть нашь дѹхъ Намъ сьрдьце ѹкажеть пѫть Ꙁа волѭ да ꙁа народъ Почанемъ воинѫ Перѹне небесъ воѥвода Даи мънѣ силѫ барати Свароже отьць небосъвода Ѹщади мене сѹровѣ рати Велесе льстивъи богъ Съиграи мънѣ сьрдьца гѹдьбѫ Роде ꙁижель вьсего Съплети мънѣ бологѫѭ сѫдьбѫ Мълвѧть чьто ѹ Киѥвлѧнъ помѫтьнѣлъ ѥсть ѹмъ Нꙑнѣча чѹжомѹ богѹ ти поѭть хвалѫ Онъ робꙑ своихъ послѣдьникъ ꙁоветь Онъ велить тьрпѣти скърбь да тѫгꙑ страдати Нъ не вънемлемъ мꙑ ѥго сѹѥтѣ Не останемъ мꙑ ꙁа родьнѫ вѣрѫ дьржати сѧ Лихо дълго насъ дьржахѫ ѹꙁдѣ Ѥсть пришла пора словѣньскѫ въсчѧти сѹстаницѫ Дрѹже Ѹгонꙗи Вои събираи Передъводи насъ поли Въпередъ къ волѣ Лѹче намъ помьрѣти Неже богꙑ нашѣ Дати на порѫганиѥ [Old Russian] Terrible news have come from Kiev The wicked knyaz took into his head to destroy our faith He wants to turn the Slavs into slaves He wants to put an end to the free age There is Moist Mother Earth trembling There are angry heavens filling with clouds Do not sorrow, my parent Heavens, I won't accept that poisoned fate Our spirit will not fall Dazhbog, light our path Dashing Stribog is with us And our friend Svarozhich Our spirit will not fall Our heart will show us the path For freedom and for the people We’ll start a war Perun, the voivode of heaven Give me strength to struggle Svarog, father of welkin Preserve me in a fierce fight Veles, the sly god Play me the heart’s music Rod, builder of all Weave me a kind destiny They say that Kievans’ mind is clouded Now they sing praise for the alien god He calls his followers slaves He tells to endure torments and to suffer pain But we won’t hark to his lies We won’t stop standing for our native faith We’ve been held in leash for too long The time has come to start the Slavic uprising Our friend, Ugonyai Gather the army Lead us in the battle Towards our freedom «We would better die, Than allow our gods To be abused»
Съ сѣвера слꙑшѫ граи Новъгородъ кѹѥтъ въстань Мꙑ васъ ѹимемъ Ѡгньмь да мечемь Аꙁъ не ѹставлѭ сѧ покамѣстъ дꙑшитъ вольство Покамѣстъ живъ ѥще свободьнꙑи словѣнинъ Покамѣстъ кръвь не ѡчръвитъ владѣнїѥ росса Да не покланитъ мънѣ колѣнъ ихъ ѻбластинъ Пѫтѧто вѣрьнꙑи помощьникъ Съищи намъ желѣꙁо да рать Добрꙑне старꙑи мои ротьникъ Веди ихъ съ собоѭ на брань Вьсехъ повинѹи крьщати сѧ Ѹстрѣтьшꙗ сѧ пѫти Бѫдѫтъ сѫпротивлꙗти сѧ Каꙁни Не печите сѧ ѹбо глаголѭще Чьто ꙗсти али чьто пити Не можете богѹ работати Ѥльма ѡ мамѡнѣ радите Да не бѫдѫтъ боꙁи инїи Прѣдъ лицемь моимь Бо аꙁъ ѥсмь богъ ревнитель Аꙁъ ѥсмь вашь господинъ Капища ихъ раꙁорите Кѹмирꙑ ихъ съкрѹшите Дѫбравꙑ вꙑ ихъ посѣчите Богꙑ ихъ ѻгньмь съжжите Аꙁъ въспрѣщаѭ вамъ памѧтити Аꙁъ въспрѣщаѭ вамъ ꙁнати Ꙗко жиахѫ ваши ѻтьци Свободьнꙑ да самоправьнꙑ Али чьрнѧдь не поимете Ѥстъ насталъ коньць Нѣтъ въꙁврата тои ѹтратѣ Се ѥстъ ваша съмрьть Се ѥстъ съмрьть Блажeнꙑ кротъцїи Ꙗко тїи наслѣдѧтъ ꙁeмлѭ Блажeнꙑ нищїи дѹхомъ Ꙗко тѣхъ ѥстъ цьсарьство небесьно Да не противите сѧ ꙃлѹѥмѹ Ѡбратите дрѹгѫѭ ланитѫ Съмѣрите сѧ съ сеѭ тѫгоѭ Бо ѻна съ вами се ѥстъ въинѹ [Old Church Slavonic] From the north I hear a shout Novgorod prepares a revolt We will calm you down With fire and sword I will not stop while freedom breathes While there still lives a free Slav Until blood gaffs the domain of Rus And its dwellers kneel for me Putyata, my faithful helper Get us weapons and army Dobrynya, my old ally Take them to the battlefield Order everyone to be baptized Those you meet on the path If someone opposes, Execute them Be not therefore anxious, saying, What ye shall eat or drink Ye cannot serve God Whilst ye care for mammon Thou shalt worship No other god than me For I am a jealous god I am thy lord Break down their altars, Dash in pieces their pillars, Cut down their Asherim, Burn their gods with fire I forbid ye to remember I forbid ye to know How your forefathers lived Free and independent Don’t ye, mob, understand? The end has come No return for your loss This is your death This is death Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth Blessed are the poor in spirit For theirs is the kingdom of heaven Resist not him that is evil Turn the other cheek Accept this woe humbly For it is with thee evermore
Ꙗꙁъ видѣлъ ѥсмь сънъ Чьто жьдеть насъ роꙁгромъ Городъ падеть Въ ꙁълѫ беꙁдънѫ съидеть И въꙁдъиметь въвьрхъ кѹдерма остръи мечь И ѹдаръмь мънѣ съниметь головѫ съ плечь Поможи Дажьбоже съвьрнѫти сеи рокъ Поможи Перѹне съломити сѫдьбѫ И тꙑсѧчѫ годъ Словѣньскои народъ Бѫдеть робъмь Ѹ рѹсьскꙑхъ господъ И чѹжаꙗ сѣчь насъ роꙁдѣлить навѣкъ И польѥть сѧ кръвь покоренꙑхъ словѣнъ Поможи Дажьбоже съвьрнѫти сеи рокъ Поможи Перѹне съломити сѫдьбѫ Нъ отъкрꙑлъ ꙗꙁъ свъи очѣ да ѥсмь въꙁѧлъ въ рѫкѫ мечь Ѥсмь въсталъ ꙗꙁъ да промълвилъ лѹче мънѣ ѹмьрѣти Иꙁнебꙑвъшемь ꙁа свободѫ беꙁвѣстии ꙁдѣсь Неже нашего народа чьсти ѹꙁьрѣти съмьрть Вѣрите праотьци ꙗꙁъ не ѹстѫпъ передъ ꙁъла лицьмь И нѣли дрѹгъи раꙁъ мꙑ сѧ въновь вольнꙑ просънемъ [Old Russian] I have seen a dream That defeat awaits us The city will fall, Descend into the evil abyss And the executioner will lift up a sharp sword And with a hit will take my head off my shoulders Help me, Dazhbog, to turn the doom Help me, Perun, to break the fate And for a thousand years The Slavic folk Will be a slave For the Russian lords And the others’ war will divide us forever And there will flow blood of the subdued Slavs Help me, Dazhbog, to turn the doom Help me, Perun, to break the fate But I’ve opened my eyes and took a sword in my hand I’ve got up and said: “I would better die Perished for freedom here, in obscurity Than see the death of our folk’s honour" Believe me, forefathers, I didn’t step back before the face of evil And maybe next time we will wake up free again
Пришла ѥсть строка Приспѣла ѥсть кънѧꙁꙗ орда Въ овꙑи мѧтежьнꙑи часъ Роꙁвѧжеть сѧ наша сѫдьба Ночь пережьдъше На берегѹ рѣкꙑ Съ первꙑмь они пробрѣꙁгъмь Въ наворопъ сѫть перешли Али Новъгородъ не ѹ вѣдаѥтъ Еже стало сѧ ѥстъ въ сеѭ нощь Аꙁъ ѿрѧдилъ бѣхъ воиньствословїѥ Да прогнашѧ ѻни сквоꙁѣ капище Подътворьше сѧ попльнокомь сѫтъ Къ Ѹгонꙗю въ надворїѥ прошли Да крамольникъ сѫтъ иꙁплѣновъше Мънѣ иꙁсѣщенꙑихъ привели Геи словѣньскъи народе Въстаꙗи трьклѧтоѥ воиско рѣꙁати На послѣдьнъи на бои Въꙁдꙑмаи сѧ скърбьноѥ иго рѹшати Геи словѣньскъи народе Въстаꙗи трьклѧтоѥ воиско рѣꙁати На послѣдьнъи на бои Въꙁдꙑмаи сѧ въ послѣдьнъи бои Вижѫ натꙑчь ясьнъ ворогъ Насъ не объльстити Слꙑшѫ нашихъ прадѣдъ голосъ Насъ не пострашити Лихо дълго лихо тѣсьно Насъ дьржахѫ ѹꙁдѣ Ꙁа свободѫ ꙁа жиръ деснъи Протъргнемъ сѧ правѣ къ мьчьтѣ И въ лодьи посѣла ѥсть рать Да на пристѫпъ ѥсть поплꙑла Десѧтицахъ рѣчьнъ сѹдьнъ Хлꙑнѫли сѫтъ кънѧꙁꙗ слѹꙁи Древлѧнѣхъ Левїаѳанѣхъ Ѹстрьмьше сѧ напрѣждь къ брани Нъ готовꙑ мꙑ къ сърѣчѣ Бꙑхомъ пороки иꙁведъше Острѣлꙗли ѥсмъ роꙁбои Въсчаѭче състѫпьна боꙗ А ѹ плѣньникъ тѹ надворїи Съкрꙑли сѧ сѫтъ кънѧꙁꙗ вои Дорѵносьць сѫтъ съпьхали Да ѡбрань прѣдъвъспрїѧли Новъгородьци ѹлѹчили Ихъ прокаꙁѫ очѹтили Да объсѣли пълкъ Пѫтѧтꙑ Окрѫжьше сѫпостата Се ѥсть ѹкромьно дължьно Съ сьрдьца ихъ домѹ Ворога съсѣчи Тако сѫть новъгородьци Къ рѣсьнꙑмъ богомъ Приꙁъвали рѣчь Перѹне трьвеликъи Свароже присьноживъи Даи мънѣ силѫ барати Ѹщади мене рати И съ тѣми гологолꙑ Пошли сѫть вои Въ послѣдьнъи бои Ꙁемлꙗ тьмьнѣѥтъ Тѫчи сътинаѭтъ сѧ Ѹ некрьщенꙑхъ Силꙑ коньчаѭтъ сѧ Поганьско воиско Ѥстъ ѡбеꙁглавлено Бръꙁо ѡконьчитъ сѧ Ваше недлъгоѥ непослѹшанїѥ Не падеть нашь дѹхъ Не отворимъ сѧ игѫ рѹсъ мꙑ Нѣтъ никъгда Ꙁа чьсть отьць ꙁа волѭ внѹкъ мꙑ Дьньсь до коньца Пристоимъ ꙁа свои народъ Поне се ѥсть нашь домъ Ꙁдѣсь мꙑ ѹмьремъ Никъгда не ѹпадеть словѣньскъи дѹхъ нашь нѣтъ Никъгда не приведѫть молити рѹсь насъ нѣтъ Никъгда не ѹпадеть словѣньскъи дѹхъ нашь нѣтъ Никъгда не приведѫть молити рѹсь насъ нѣтъ Никъгда Моѭ не попѹщѫ аꙁъ Дрьжавѫ попрати И сѫдьбꙑ ꙃълꙑи полѹчаи Вам дьньсь не миновати Аꙁъ бѣхъ прѣдѹготовилъ Ѻсобьнъ помꙑслъ Ать новъгородьць волѭ Въиньно поломити Аꙁъ бѣхъ ѿрѧдилъ Вои ѡтаи Мѣсто ѡбътещи Абꙑ дома вашѧ въжещи Брань ѥстъ ѡконьчена Бѣгѫтъ крамольникꙑ Ѥдьно небрѣженїѥ Стои вамъ тꙑсѧщѫ лѣтъ Нѣтъ се нѣстъ коньць Вьсе тъкъмо ѥстъ ѹчало сѧ Аꙁъ станѫ творьцемь Мира прѣвелѧ и нова Вашь немощьнꙑи людъ Нашемѹ станетъ рабомь И ваши послѣдородьнꙑ Бѫдѫтъ служити моимъ ПРИНИКНИТЕ МЪНѢ [Old Russian] The time has come The knyaz’s horde has arrived In this alarming hour Our fate will be decided Outwaiting the night On the riverside With the first dawn They’ve gone on the attack [Old Church Slavonic] But Novgorod does not know What happened this night I had detached a crew And they went through the shrine Disguised as a replenishment They’ve come to Ugonyai’s yard And captivating the rebels Brought them beaten to me [Old Russian] Hey, Slavic people Stand up to fight the damned army On the last battle Rise up to break the oppressive yoke Hey, Slavic people Stand up to fight the damned army On the last battle Rise for the last battle! I see the target, I know the enemy You won’t deceive us I hear the voice of our ancestors You won’t frighten us For too long, far too tightly We were held in leash For freedom, for the worthy life Let’s break through right to our dream And in the boats has sat the army And has sailed on an attack [Old Church Slavonic] In dozens of river vessels The knyaz’s servants have gushed On wooden Leviathans Rushing towards the fight [Old Russian] But we were ready for the bout Bringing the catapults We have pelted the invaders Waiting for the land battle [Old Church Slavonic] And in the captives’ yard The warriors have lurked Knocking out the armour-bearers They have taken up the defense [Old Russian] Novgorodians understood, Uncovering their hoax And have besieged Putyata Surrounding the adversary It is extremely necessary From the heart of their home To knock out the enemy So the Novgorodians To the true gods Have called out a speech "Great Perun, Imperishable Svarog, Give me strength to struggle, Preserve me in a fight" And with these words The warriors have gone To the last battle [Old Church Slavonic] The ground darkens The clouds are gathering The unbaptized Have their strengths ending The pagan army Is beheaded Soon will end Your brief disobedience [Old Russian] Our spirit will not fall We will not surrender to the yoke of Rus No, never For fathers’ honour, for grandchildren’s freedom Today till the end We will stand for our folk For this is our home Here we will die Never will fall our Slavic spirit, no Never will they make us beg the Rus, no Never will fall our Slavic spirit, no Never will they make us beg the Rus, no Never [Old Church Slavonic] I will not allow To ruin my power And the malign fate Today ye won’t avoid I had prepared A special plot For Novgorodians’ freedom To break down forever I had detached Warriors secretly To get around the city To burn your houses The fight is over Rebels are running A single mistake Costed you a thousand years No, this is not the end Everything has just begun I will become a maker Of a great new world Your feeble folk Will become a servant for ours And your descendants Will be slaves for mine BOW TO ME
Сломлен их меч и разбит щит, Алой росою покрыта земля Ворон над полем глухим кружит, Там вечным сном бравы витязи спят Хоть никогда не вернуть вспять Бед и страданий, что снёс наш народ, Тысячу лет, что он жил в цепях, Верьте, славяне, придёт ваш черёд Там, за рекой древний есть храм Он ещё ждёт возрождения час Боги отцов тихо дремлют там, Тайны веков дожидаются нас [Modern Russian] Their sword is broken and their shield is crashed, The earth is covered with scarlet dew A raven is circling the silent field There, the brave knights sleep forever Though you can never turn back The misery and suffering that our people bore A thousand years that they lived in chains Believe, Slavs, your turn will come There, beyond the river is an ancient temple It is still waiting for the revival hour The gods of our fathers quietly doze there Secrets of centuries await us


The album tells a story about the uprising of the ancient Russian city of Novgorod against forced Christianity. The lyrics are written in Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic.

Watch official album stream with lyrics:


released June 11, 2021

Aleksandr Mokin – music, lyrics, vocals, recorder, zhaleika
Sergey Stepanenko – guitars
Viktor Khaychenko – bass
Dmytro Herasymov (Kim) – drums
Artemiy Gorchakov (Morgoth Hel) – backing vocals
Svetlana Myznikova – domra, mandolin
The Raven's Stone – hurdy-gurdy
Vladimir Arkhipov – bird recordings

Mixing and mastering by Holy Tube Studio
Guitar re-amping by EverestMedia
Artwork by Vsevolod Ivanov
Illustrations by Alexis Susani
Logo by Vladimir Smerdulak Chebakov




Сѣта / Sieta Moscow, Russia

Sieta is a folk metal project by Aleksandr Mokin. Its first album "Novgorod" tells a story about the baptism of Rus, combining black and folk elements. The lyrics for the album are written in Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic.

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